Heyo! I’m Marcus, an Australian based creative that specialises in helping passionate food and hospitality businesses to grow. Since I was very young, I have kept two things in my life unrelentingly consistent; a camera in my hand, and stomach full of food. Ask anyone, and they’ll tell you these are the core pillars of who I am. I move through life creating moments, telling stories, and managing my complete enthralment of food!
I guess my career choice totally makes sense then, right? Yes, I’ve been fortunate enough to merge my passions into a thriving business. But I think it goes deeper than that.
It’s my belief that food connects us all. Whether it’s on a nourishment level, or through education, culture, history and self-expression, food marries us together as humans. It excites me then, to realise my business exists to connect people. Growing up, my favourite memories were around a dinner table. I’d break bread with my loved ones and capture the ensuing moments on camera. This was my passion, then it became my business, and now it’s my purpose. I’m here to spread hospitality with the world and help business owners do the same. Breaking bread, simply to break more bread!
Creating, capturing, and sharing stories for others to enjoy has forever stirred a fire in my belly. I love it. Food however, is hugely responsible for that. It’s orchestrated my life’s favourite moments and I want it to do the same for others! This is why I began helping passionate hospitality businesses with their marketing... and haven't looked back since!
Every business has something special to offer the world. Sometimes though, even the greatest things in life are lost in the noise… Accordingly, my job is to work as the bridge between your business, and the customers who need to see it. Using my art to amplify yours, I work to demand the attention you deserve! If you’re curious about how, click here.